
Digital Design & Marketing

Tips & Strategies For Your Small Business.

7 Marketing Tips for Social Media

7 Marketing Tips for Social Media

A successful and well-planned social media marketing strategy is exactly what you need for your business or brand to grow.

If well-planned, social media marketing can be a dynamic powerhouse that strengthens branding, drives sales, and creates quality leads. If it is not planned properly, it can be a big time-wasting project. The key is to know how to create and carry out the overall plan.

With some research and planning, businesses are more likely to reach the payoff that got them excited about marketing on social media in the first place.

We have prepared some great marketing tips for social media. Follow these tips to enhance your strategy and enjoy a bigger return on investment.

Identify Your Target Audience
The first thing you need to do is develop a buyer persona. Your message won’t be effective unless is designed for specific buyers. Having a buyer persona is essential for effective social media marketing. These 3 pieces of information offer insight into identifying your audience:

Establish pain points: What question does your product or service answer? Does your product make your buyer’s life easier?
Review satisfied customers: Customers that have been pleased by a business’s product are main points when creating a buyer persona. Study their demographics, industries, and their goals to understand who you should be considered as part of your target group.
Analyse customer support: Get in touch with people who are in direct contact with customers. What are the questions they hear every day?

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How to Market Your Small Business Online

How to Market Your Small Business Online

Small businesses today have more places and ways than ever to market themselves. Deciding on a marketing method, especially when starting out with a small budget can be challenging. While social media marketing is free, it is time-consuming. Traditional advertising, on the other hand, can be expensive.

So how to market your small business online? Which channels are best to use? Dozens of successful small business owners and marketing pros share the following list of strategies for startups and small businesses.

Use Social Media
If your small business isn’t present on social media, it is time to be. Mike Volpe, CMO of HubSpot says that social media produces double the marketing leads of telemarketing, trade shows, and direct mail.

It is best to choose one social media platform that your prospects, customers, and industry leaders engage with the most and start building a stable presence there. Once you have set up an account, start connecting with your audience by joining discussions, sharing original content, etc. Keep your efforts frequent and relevant to your audience.

Post to Instagram and Pinterest
If you are selling an interesting and highly-visual product, you should be regularly posting photos on Instagram and Pinterest. Posting is free on both platforms.

Eric Elkins is SEO at and according to him you can drive traffic to your website via Pinterest and there is no better platform to build audiences than Instagram.

Mindy McCarthy is the owner of MinMac and her favorite place to sell handmade jewelry is Instagram. This platform is the queen of virtual markets. Customers can scroll through your product collection and purchase directly.

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Advertising for Small Business on a Budget

Advertising for Small Business on a Budget

Know you need to get the word out about your small business but money is a problem? Luckily, you can advertise your small business on a budget.

Although marketing your business will be more difficult with little money, it is 100% doable to attract new customers that will push your business to the next level.

Advertising for small business on a budget is possible thanks to these cost-effective marketing strategies below.

Email Marketing
This is a simple and effective way to bring in new revenue. The best part? Email marketing is completely free.

This strategy comes down to collecting email addresses, nurturing leads with weekly emails, and selling to them to grow your business.

How do you do it and what you write is up to you, whether you email capture pop-ups to your site or add it into your ecommerce checkout process, it is an effective business practice to follow up with potential customers.

Improve Website for SEO
A few tweaks to your site can bring in more page views and customers. It is a fact and your small business should get on this.

There are tips to add to your site that will tip-off Google that your business is about this subject, in a specific location, and people looking for what you sell should be sent directly to your page.

One website optimized for search engines has a grasp one keywords, image titles and alt tags, headings, meta tags, header and footer information, external links, and valuable content.

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9 ways of marketing a product on social media

9 ways of marketing a product on social media

With millions of people using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others, it is important to include these websites when promoting a new product. The number of people you can reach is one of the greatest benefits of using online communities to promote your product.

Using social media is a lot cheaper than advertising methods and traditional marketing. You can promote a product using social networking websites by determining where your potential customers are and getting your product out there on those sites.

One of the challenging parts, however, is coming up with fresh marketing ideas. Luckily, we can help you.

We’ve put together a list of creative ways of marketing a product on social media you can use to engage your followers. These ideas will help you provide more appealing and diverse content, no matter the type of business you are running.

Use More Emojis
Using emojis in your social media posts is a great way to connect with your followers while having fun at the same time.

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Advanced Banner Rotator with Dock Menu Thumbnails

Advanced Banner Rotator with Dock Menu Thumbnails

Advanced Banner Rotator with Dock Menu Thumbnails for Joomla 1.7+ with Administration Control Panel for multiple Banner Rotators.

This Advanced Banner Rotator with Dock Menu Thumbnails has all the possible options you might need, is very versatile, easily resizable and easy to use.

It includes our powerful advanced dock menu for thumbnail along with its 30+ settings.

Advanced Banner Rotator with Dock Menu

Options you can change in Administrator Backend:

  • size of the rotator (with and height in px)
  • dock menu show/hide/auto-hide (when mouse is out of the banner rotator)
  • navigational arrows show/hide/auto-hide
  • description show/hide/auto-hide
  • description background color and alpha
  • blur intensity for transitions
  • transition slide speed
  • initial position (first selected element)
  • autoplay timer (how much time to wait between rotating images)
  • for each item you can specify the thumbnail image, main image, title (for tooltip), description (optional), link url and target

Dock Menu options in the Administrator Backend (30+):

  • item size (width and height in px)
  • spacing between items (px)
  • zoom amount on mouseover
  • zoom speed on mouseover
  • amount of zoom/position influence on adjacent items
  • y axis offset (px) for zooming (dock can open upwards, downwards or centered )
  • reflection on/off, reflection size, reflection alpha and reflection distance from the picture
  • brighten item on mouseover on/off and amount of brightness
  • tooltip on/off, tooltip skin (white/black), tooltip placement on top, bottom or follow mouse, y axis offset of the tooltip (move it up or down)
  • independent stroke size and color setting for all three states : normal, mouseover and selected. Stroke can be set to 0 independently if you don’t want stroke for any/all of the states.
  • and quite a few more

This Advanced Banner Rotator with Dock Menu Thumbnails is seriously powerful as you can see from the ton of options, don’t miss out !

Advanced Banner Rotator DM: Demo | License | Requirements | Support | Tips
When you install com_wmt_advanced_banner_rotator_dm, Demo Banner rotator is installed by default.

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9 Elements for Small Business Marketing Plan

9 elements for small business marketing plan

Having a business marketing plan is very important for any business of the company in order to achieve organizational goals. The right marketing plan identifies who your target customers are, how you will get to them, and how you will retain your current customers so they always purchase from you.

When done properly, your small business marketing plan will the road map you follow to get customers and improve the success of your company. Here are 9 elements every successful business marketing plan should include.

Summary of the Business Model

The executive summary of the plan should define the details of what your business is all about including your goals and objectives.

The overall summary should be clear with the core values and positioning in the market. Also, it must explain how the brand will enter the market, first locally and then internationally. Further, it focuses on financial and generation resources.

Clear Strategy that Must be Followed

When it comes to your product strategy, you should be as clear as possible. You may survey the situation using details of your customers. For example, the product or company mission, resource availability, marketing and financial objectives, cash flow analysis, and competitive analysis.

Availability of Products/Services

Business owners should have an understanding of how their products will reach their potential customers.

Having high-quality products is just one part of the marketing plan for small business. You must make your products available in a cost-effective manner. This should be the ultimate goal of the entrepreneur and it can be accomplished by making the best use of promotional activities, team, advertising methods, and other tools used for communication.

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Responsive Grid Gallery – Joomla Component

Responsive Grid Gallery - Joomla Component

Responsive Grid Gallery – Joomla Component – responsive and adaptive design, optimized for desktop, mobile and tablet browsers, 6 types item hover animation, easy install and use, Joomla 2.5 and 3.x compatible, unlimited items. Free download from our download section

Responsive Grid Gallery – Front-end Preview

Add new category, and add images to category

To setup Responsive Grid Gallery navigate to Components –> Responsive Grid Gallery –> Responsive Grid Gallery

Then click on the New button to create new Responsive Grid Gallery.

Fill in the required fields:

Title (title of your Grid Gallery)
On your right side you have form to add image/s to your Responsive Grid Gallery.

Click Browse to select image for upload
Title (title for that image)
Description (for that image)

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All Around Portfolio – Joomla Component

All Around Portfolio - Joomla Component

All Around Portfolio – Joomla Component can display your company services, personal portfolio, products, real-estate properties, vacation/holiday offers, cooking recipes and much much more.

If you want to test All Around Portfolio on your website, you can download TEST VERSION from our Download section.

Limitations in TEST VERSION
5 categories
only 1 category with 3 items
you can only edit 3 items

Add new Portfolio categories, and add entries to Portfolio categories

Navigate to Components –> All around Portfolio –> All around Portfolio’s

(here you can manage portfolio categories. You can edit category name and thumbnail, you can delete or unpublish selected category) allaround_1.png

To add category click on the New button:

Enter category name and select thumbnail for that category and click on Save & Close

Now you can add Portfolio entries to that category by clicking on the Manage Entries link next to the created category:

(here you can manage Portfolio entries for that category. You can edit entry name and description, you can delete or unpublish selected entry)

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uSquare – Responsive Squared Grid – Joomla 2.5+

uSquare - responsive squared grid - Joomla 2.5+

Another very interesting thing that is going on is the fact that on-line shopping is becoming more and more convenient than regular shopping. Furthermore, when people are searching for any kind of service, they will certainly rather Google it from the comfort of their own home than go for a long walk in search for whatever it is they need. So, whatever it is you are trying to sell, you need a cool looking web-site, so that you don’t go bankrupt. Even if we are talking about some kind of blog, if the blog is not visited regularly, it kind of misses its point, right?

Let’s cut to the chase!

So, you have to have a great site, and you are not a web-design and development team. Hmmm… What to do? Well, you can go on-line, find something that you like, buy it, modify it a bit, and there you go. It’s always a good idea to go for a tested and tried product, and an organized uSquare plug-in definitely fits this description – with over 1800 sales on the WordPress platform and 2500 sales overall, it’s one of the very popular choices for an admin that wants functionality and style on his site.

In the following piece of text, I will present to you a responsive grid for WordPress, which is, in my opinion excellent for whatever it is that you are “selling”. It is called uSquare Component for Joomla 2.5+ CMS , and you should definitely check it out. First of all, when I said that it is responsive, to those of you who are not acquainted with the term, it means that it will fit every screen resolution, which means that it can easily be accessible via loads of devices.

In comparison to most other “responsive” thingies that you can buy on-line, the team that developed this one put a lot of effort in making the responsive part of the plug-in do the work properly. Furthermore, it is organized so that you can make it your team or services page, or you can attach blog posts.

You can display whatever products you are selling with it and, frankly speaking, you can use it for pretty much anything you like and anything you can think of.

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6 insider marketing tips for social media

6 insider marketing tips for social media

It is about a time for businesses and brands to take full advantage of the following marketing tips for social media when it comes to promoting products and reaching out to the target audience.

As time goes by, the digital marketing space evolves by the minute and it is something you as a business owner can’t ignore. With so many social media marketing trends, there are so many opportunities to succeed as an online business.

If you want to achieve success it is best to stay on top of trends and decide what is best for your business. So, do you want to know how others took advantage of social media and achieved success?

We asked social media pros to share some of the best social media marketing tips of businesses. Here is what they have to say.

Get the Attention of Famous Influencers
Influencers are important today, for every business, in every niche. They are extremely active on social media, have “real” jobs, and spend their time blogging and sharing content online. Attracting their attention is not easy, even if you give away free gifts.

Experts say that social media is 4-1-1 sharing system that allows a business to get better visibility with social influencers.

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4 Best Web-Development Tools Used to Reduce Coding

4 Best Web-Development Tools Used to Reduce Coding

The web-development business is growing every day. This means that it is becoming more and more complicated to keep up with the competition, if you are in that business, of course. In order to do this, there are 3 major solutions.

Firstly, one can write numerous pages of code from scratch, but this takes up a lot of time, so this is not advisable.

Secondly, one can always purchase applications online (this is the easiest way), but these applications can cost a fortune, and this is also not advisable, especially if you don’t have money to through away (like most web developers nowadays).

The 3rd solution is somewhere in between the two mentioned above. There are numerous web-development tools on the internet that can help the web developer a lot by reducing the long and exhausting coding process. In the following text, there is a list of the 4 best tools that are both user-friendly and smart enough to generate complicated pieces of code, just like a very experienced web developer.

They have all proven to be very helpful in my web-development experience.

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6 Ways to Boost Your eCommerce Revenues

6 Ways to Boost Your ECommerce Revenues

Having a lot of traffic on your website is the first goal you may have in your attempts to generate revenue online. While this is a good start, the next step of getting people to purchase is much more difficult. Many things can affect how well you manage to perform with your online campaign. Here I will list a few that are common among many industries.

Increasing Your Conversion Rate

Simply put, this is the rate of people that visit your website that will make a purchase. This can be affected by the ease of access, the method of payment, and how well you present your business online. What needs to be done in order to find out how to increase this is to analyse your internet traffic to identify those that are purchasing and those that are not and what they are doing differently. Once you can identify where your customers are either having trouble with the website or losing interest, you can fix the problem and make some adjustments.

Average Order Value

Almost every website will now offer package deals or make suggestions for additional products to increase how much each person spends while on your website. Offering complimentary items to what they are about to purchase is a great way to increase your sale and keep them engaged for future purchases. Maybe they won’t buy an additional item on that go around, but at least they will know you offer it without even needing to look.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing will determine what demographic of people are visiting your site and how many will see you as a potential source to purchase from. This can involve search engine optimization on your page to help people find your website. Even use different marketing tactics outside of the realm of the internet to showcase your business. The more diverse you are in your marketing strategy, the wider your population will be for potential buyers. Don’t limit yourself to just one method, such as a billboard or TV commercial. Determine what your most successful means of marketing are, and optimize it constantly. Fully utilize the internet with email marketing and online analytics to make your campaign as efficient and far-reached as possible.

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3 Resources That Will Help You Learn To Create a Website

3 Resources That Will Help You Learn To Create a Website

In today’s fast-paced virtual world, more businesses than ever are working and thriving in the online space. And connecting with friends and family is easier than ever; no matter where in the world everyone is, all it takes is the world wide web to bring everyone together.

Wouldn’t you love to learn website creation and be a part of all of the excitement with your very own site?

Whether you’re building your own website for a business or wishing to learn website creation for personal or educational use, the following three resources will teach you all you need to know.

1. is a leading online learning company that can help everyone from a basic Internet dabbler to an advanced, seasoned code writer with a full line of educational video segments. The company was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in the hub of the web realm, Silicon Valley. They also have locations in San Francisco, London, Graz and Sydney.

The company offers individual, corporate, academic and government subscription services that allow the end user to access an unlimited number of educational videos in English, German, French and Spanish languages. Users can even create their own custom playlists to better organize courses they want to utilize at their own pace. Courses at also are programmed to be available on either a desktop computer, a tablet or even a mobile phone. Users are able to switch back and forth between the media without ever skipping a beat, a major plus in today’s multi-media-driven world.

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6 Awesome Apps to Create Exemplary 3D Printable Objects

6 Awesome Apps to Create Exemplary 3D Printable Objects

With more and more people leveraging the benefits associated with 3D Printing technology, it isn’t surprising to spot 3D printers in homes, schools, offices etc. The most enticing convenience of creating and printing 3D objects/patterns has motivated individuals of all age groups to choose the 3D printing technology.

Thanks to the tireless efforts put in by professional developers, we now have easy access to several simple-to-use mobile apps that enable us to create eye-catchy 3D printable objects conveniently.

Continue reading this post which will make you familiar with six of the best mobile apps that allow you to create and print 3D images/patterns in a simple and utmost comfortable format. So, let’s get straight to these apps.

1. 123D Sculpt

This is an iOS app that allows you to sculpt and paint enticing and realistic 3D shapes and patterns. To get started with using the app, all you need to do is simply browse through the default library of humans, creatures, vehicles etc., choose a specific shape and push/pull/paint for the creation of a unique sculpture.

Once you’re done with creating your objects, get going with printing them using the AirPrint printer. You may also opt for uploading your animated QuickTime movies to YouTube for sharing with family and friends.

2. Sculpteo

Considered the Swiss Army Knife of all the 3D Printing apps, Sculpteo allows you to create unique 3D objects, browse existing 3D Objects and also buy/share 3D Objects from a personal set.

You can use this iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch app for creating and customizing your mugs, rolling pins, vases and a lot of other interesting stuff. If you’re creative at heart, then Sculpteo is for you because the app offers you a brilliant platform for creating an absolutely stunning collection of 3D printable objects.

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Where you can find professional developers

Where you can find professional developers

The modern era of the world is dealing everything with latest technologies. Nothing is impossible to create, manipulate, and modify for a human being. Daily life is running by advanced technologies. Wonderful internet space is occupied with millions of dealings and loads of information. Utilizing internet and its websites is being compulsory for appearing in front of the world. Globalization concept and open competition is giving the opportunities to present skills of everyone.

An individual or business organization is needed to display themselves in front of the public for getting recognition. For business, it is compulsory to own a website and maintain their dealings for getting profits.

Every way leads to an own space on the internet, where public communication is possible by promotions. Creating and maintaining an own portal for exploring the self characteristics is necessary. It is not a simple thing to get forward facing with competition on the web. For every task, assistance of an expert is needed.

For a company or business organization, it is needed to start a website for putting their existence on the web. Updated information must be changed in the site according to periodical modifications that occur in routine.

Designing, coding, developing, testing, and applying are steps of programming process for maintaining an application on the web. Taking help of a professional developer, who is expert at all these concepts is advantageous for the company who want to promote themselves. Programming help from experts is taken for coping up with the internet competitors.

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10 Leading Cross-platform app dev tools you must try

10 Leading Cross-platform app dev tools you must try

The growing surge of smartphones and smart tablets had lead into a rapid growth in the demand of applications that look scintillating and operate in accordance to the user’s expectations.

A timely investment in cross-platform mobile app development has allowed entrepreneurs to reach out to a wider group of targeted audience. If you too are interested in developing a mobile app that can run on multiple platforms, then this is a post just for you.

Here, I’ve offered details about ten finest cross-platform app development tools that can serve handy during creation of mobile apps that need to cater to varied audiences. So, let’s get to learn more about these high-end tools.

1. Appcelerator

Standing proudly as one of the favourites of app developers, Appcelerator aallows you to develop native applications for mobile, tablet and desktop.

Using the conventional web development languages like PHP, JavaScript, HTML and Ruby, Appcelerator Titanium Development Platform offers you an access to a whopping 300+ social and other location-based APIs.

Loved by developers and trusted by enterprises, Appcelerator comes with special offerings like fully customizable metrics for actions and events.

2. PhoneGap

As one of the most renowned cross-platform app development tools, PhoneGap is now owned by Adobe and is based on open source Apache Cordova project.

With PhoneGap, you can conveniently write applications for a single time in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, followed by deploying them across multiple mobile devices. A cloud-based app development tool, PhoneGap eliminates the need for using any compilers, SDKs and other hardware.

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Horizontal Gridfolio – Joomla Component

The Horizontal Gridfolio has a responsive layout and 4 predefined themes that you can use. Take a look Live Preview that is provided, where you can see in which way you can use this grid.

The grid gallery can have unlimited number of images. When a thumbnail is clicked the lightbox can display images, or videos loaded from YouTube or Vimeo. You can also prove URL that will be opened when the thumbnail is clicked. Download Horizontal Gridfolio free version from our download section.

Add new category, and add images to category

To setup Horizontal Gridfolio navigate to Components –> Horizontal Gridfolio –> Categories

Then click on the New button to create new Horizontal Gridfolio Category .

Fill in the required fields:

  • Title (title of your Category)
  • Description.
  • Click on Save & Close

To add new item to Horizontal Gridfolio Item navigate to Components –> Horizontal Gridfolio –> Images
(or click on Images link next to the Categories link on top)

Then click on the New button to add new Item.

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5 Ways Your Website is Causing You to Lose Sales and How to Fix It

5 Ways Your Website is Causing You to Lose Sales and How to Fix It

If you are running an e-commerce business and you know that you have an excellent product – whether it is an information product, eBook or physical good resale – but you lack sales or subscription conversions, the problem may be your website. Many internet entrepreneurs struggle with website efficiency and user experience effectiveness, and unfortunately website failure could be their sinking ship. Hopefully, I can help fix that and provide ideas to increase click-through rates and sales conversions on your website.

The first step to solving a problem is admitting that there is one. After identifying the most common ways website designs cause sale problems, we will be able to solve those problems with some simple solutions. Always remember, on the internet, simplicity is king.

5 Most Common Problems with Website Sale Conversions

Too Many Steps to Convert – People want three things from the internet world – pretty, convenient, and safe (or the perception of safety). Satisfying these three steps will increase your sales exponentially, I guarantee it. Price is the fourth and is always important, but people would pay more for quality on the internet than low prices with shake interfaces and bad user experiences.

Simple, Colorful Interface – Standing out is important, but don’t be too loud. (I’ll tell you what that means later).

Captivate, Retain, and Remind – Attention span capacity of consumers continues to decline. Don’t lose potential sales by forgetting about customers.

Offer Every Option & Secure Storage – does not require a customer to enter financial information before every sale because this takes time and lowers the desire to buy. Always be closing!

Link Yourself to Social Media – Make your site organic and provide a community that links to your website personality and design. Provide a centralized brand with your proper message displayed all the time.

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Thumbnail JQ Gallery – Joomla Component

Thumbnail JQ Gallery - Joomla Component

Thumbnail JQ Gallery is jQuery, responsive image gallery with multiple categories options via menu item. Download Thumbnail JQ Gallery Joomla Component for FREE from our download section.

Plugin for inserting this gallery in content item, is available in PRO version.  Thumbnail JQ Gallery – Front-end Preview

Add new category, and add images to category

To setup Thumbnail JQ Gallery navigate to Components –> Thumbnail JQ Gallery –> Categories

Then click on the New button to create new Thumbnail JQ Gallery Category.

Fill in the required fields:

Title (title of your Category)


Click on Save & Close

To upload image Category navigate to Components –> Thumbnail JQ Gallery –> Images
(or click on Images link next to the Categoies link on top)

Then click on the New button to add Image to Category.

Fill in the required fields:

Title (title for that image)

Select Category

Description (for that image)

Click Browse to select image for upload

Click on Save & Close

Display Gallery on front page

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